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  1. [VTS]“Phattytron PT-1 Vacuum Tube Synthesizer”, The Audio Playground Synthesizer Museum at http://www.keyboardmuseum.com/ar/m/meta/pt1.html
  2. [MET]“At last, a pitch source with tube power”, METASONIX, PMB 109, 881 11th Street, Lakeport CA 95453 USA at http://www.metasonix.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=31
  3. [GE1]“Silicon Contolled Switches”, GE Transistor Manual, The General Electric Company, 1964, Figure 16.19(M).
  4. [ON1] “2N6027, 2N6028 Programmable Unijunction Transistor ”, datasheet at http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/2N6027-D.PDF
  5. [AMS] “Unijunction Transistor ”, American Microsemiconductor, at http://www.americanmicrosemi.com/tutorials/unijunction.htm
  6. [MHW]Matthew H. Williams, “Unijunction Transistor ”, at http://baec.tripod.com/DEC90/uni_tran.htm
  7. Unijunction Transistor by http://baec.tripod.com/DEC90/uni_tran.htm

Lessons In Electric Circuits copyright (C) 2000-2020 Tony R. Kuphaldt, under the terms and conditions of the CC BY License.

See the Design Science License (Appendix 3) for details regarding copying and distribution.

Revised November 06, 2021

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